Friday, December 3, 2010

ultrasound two

the top is of "B" and the bottom is "A" - this will be relevant later
second ultrasound - the second US came a week later and showed that we were having twins...holy shit...twins. They showed that B had actually been a decent size in comparison to A, its just that B was further back and kind of behind A, so it was a little tough to get a good image.

It funny how you kind of say something out loud while thinking of it occuring in some distant detached future and then feeling the firm emotion that wraps you up once you visually see on the screen the fact that you will shortly have TWO the same time!

Many have asked so far so I am inclined to make sure you understand that it is not a negative feeling, just a surreal floating type feeling, even good news, given the right amount of impact kind of leaves you reeling in a shock type stance.

The US showed they were both growing fine and were good to go at  6 weeks 5 days (6w5d)
and then we got to see the heart beating and hear it...woosha woosha woosha woosha

One of the most amazing things I have ever seen or heard in my entire life.

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