Wednesday, June 29, 2011

therrrrrreeee heeerrrrreeeee...

Wow. Ok here we go...
Jen got the call from her doctor that her high blood pressure and elevated proteins in her urine from an earlier test had reached levels that quantified a trip to the Miami Valley Triage just to make sure things were ok.
I got the call from Jen on Friday that she was heading to the hospital but felt fine and did no...
t think anything would come out of the visit other than some more tests and a pat on the butt to go home and chill on the couch until the babies were coming. She said she would head home, have her mom pick her up, and drive her to the hospital so when we left, we would not have two cars to drive.
I said fine and jumped in the car to head home and switch cars so I could get our stuff, just in case.
I got home, grabbed all of our stuff and headed to the hospital.
I got to Jens bed in triage and as I walked through the curtain I looked at her and saw her face and knew…this was it. Two seconds and two steps later, “They’re inducing me.”
Boy, am I glad I followed my instincts!
Triage decided that the babies were far enough along to come on out to avoid any future problems that could occur from further issues around Preeclampsia symptoms that were beginning to show and getting worse.
So, that was that. We were admitted to the hospital and Jen began an IV med called Pitocin to get the inducement started. 2 mill units per hour and we were off knowing that the babies would more than likely be born sometime Saturday afternoon. With all plans made before, we were hoping for the birth to be vaginally and non-eventful.
Jen started her contractions early Saturday and they progressed as expected and even a little quicker than we thought might occur. The water was broke for the baby boy and the race was on. We kept the affair private between the two of us, just as planned, and bore through the labor as a team until we reached 7 cm dilation at which point Jen had reached her max and we had the Epidural procedure done. The epidural was probably about an hour later than we should have gone but now Jen has a memory of labor pain to file back in her mental cabinet, excruciating I’m sure, but a priceless memory none the less!
With the Epidural in place we asked our parents to come and be with us before we went into the OR for delivery. Having twins dictated an OR delivery to be on the safe side, just in case something goes wrong. They also have two NICU nurses onsite for the delivery to make sure that they get seen immediately if needed.
We all spent some time talking and having a great time waiting for the babies to come and when we got to 9-10 cm we asked our parents to leave and Jen and I began the push to happiness…literally!
The labor went well for a while and the Epidural levels worked ok. We needed to have some sensation down low for Jen to have the ability to push with her muscles and with this there is a fine line between pain and pressure. This went on for about one hour of pushing until we hit a need for a break.
Jen and I just lay in bed getting her energy back for another round. The uterus was doing what it needed, the babies were doing what they needed down to one tiny little super important item that had to happen before they could come out. The boy had to twist just a bit and slide out under the pelvic bone which we just could not get to happen.
We got into round two determined to push through the pain, and get him to fit with a little coaxing for his head to fit just enough…the second round was not pleasant and the efficiency of the Epidural was beginning to wane, the pain increasing with the intensity of the contractions. We spoke with the doctor and decided that it was just going to be near impossible to walk him out…we went the road of the C-section after two very rough hours of pushing and breathing and hoping for the plan to play out the way we wanted. As usually is the case, the plans did not follow the way we intended, but the outlook was good.
We went to the OR, Jen finally with the epidural surging with surgery level medication…zero pain!
I got into the OR just after the incision and just enough time to sit and console Jen, get my camera up and on to take the pictures that are now the pinnacle of my existence and the reason to live. Passage of my two children and their souls into this world.
There was first, Gabriel Alexander Head, 6lbs. 13oz and 19.25 inches…crying, flailing, and ready to run…taken to the warmer and doing fine, next came Lucy Sierra Head, 5lbs. 12oz and 19.5 inches; a little taller to make up for her brother stealing the food! She is a little smaller, but just as loud if not louder and has a fiery intensity that lights up the room. I was granted a gift to catch her emerging the womb, just her head entering the world guided by the hand of a gifted doctor.
With her size, she was taken to the warmer and left to catch up to her brother in temp as I walked Gabriel over to Jen to get her first glance at her new boy.
The time since has been a whirlwind of emotion, massive exhaustion; Jen began her Friday at work, finishing her shift at 3:30 after a long day, to the hospital, to her room to begin inducement.
Again, picture this truly:
Work all day, eat lunch, then…hospital, no food, no “real” sleep, a birth at 6:30pm the next day after pushing fruitlessly for two hours into a C-section, then awake all night to feed every two hours. Sunday seems a dream of immense happiness and exhaustion to rival no other time in our lives.
So, with this written I introduce to you our still unfolding short story of the creation of life and the introduction of two new perfect souls to this world we call Earth. Welcome them and love them as they will love you the same.
Gabriel and Lucy Head June 25th 2011 - 6:30 pm and 6:31 pm, the little sister will I am sure be running the roost!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

...the nursery...2011.

here is a small compilation showing the designing of the nursery wall decorations...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

two more US's, sorry for the delay folks...

well, its been crazy here lately. not sure if everyone heard or not but my father who has been suffering the effects of Alzheimer's for a very long time passed away. that has been rough and has taken my time as most can understand.

we have had two US's since my last post, everything is going as planned with no problems, the babies are growing just fine and WOW, they are moving like crazy!

have yet to see the actual foot indent, i guess it would be an outdent, that people talk about, but we do get to see ripples across her belly and i love to put my hand on her belly and feel them pushing me around, i better get used to that.

i have been reading to them.

i read this book which is awesome.

they calm down when i read to them as well, jen thanks me for that!

i have been nesting as well according to jen, the two rooms are almost done, the nursery is the last to finish and will be done today. i have been videoing some of the progress and will post a video once i have time.

take care everyone and stay safe.

US ten and eleven:
US from 4/19
US from 5/03

Sunday, March 27, 2011

ultrasound nine

Another US and everything is fine.

we went to a Marvelous Multiples class a few weeks ago and it was wonderful. we got to learn about the variants we will be exposed to by having two at a time.

we also had a birthing class that was a crazy six hours - not horrible, but a lot of duplication on things we already know, don't get me/us wrong, we want the classes, but it makes you wish you could pick a "I already know how we got here version" and bypass the first five hours. we had another one scheduled for last Sat. but I got sick and we are going to have to reschedule...from the way the last one ended, we should just be getting to some good stuff that I don't know as well and would like more information, we'll keep you posted.

not much other than that, trying to get jen fed and relaxed and happy, seems to be working well, she smiles and laughs all the time.

i have been laying with my head on her belly a lot lately and talking to them, its nice knowing they can hear me. i could feel them sending me some good juju and love when I was sick to help me heal, loving this!

we have our registry items selected, if you want, there is a link at the top of the page to check it out.

well, enjoy the latest pics and we will see you later.
 Baby Boy
 Baby Girl

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the babies are coming...a girl and a boy, the babies are coming...oh what a joy!

the results are in:
What are we having?
one boy / one girl 82%
two boys 0%
two girls 18%

The votes WIN! We are having one boy and one girl!
We are ecstatic, this is perfect, the best of both worlds.
ultrasound eight:
 arrow pointing at the girlie parts
 arrow pointing at the boy parts

Thursday, February 10, 2011

poll ---------------------------------------->

with march 1st fast approaching, I thought it was time to introduce "THE POLL".

make your choice...if you dare.

please leave us a comment if you like.  we like to hear what you guys are thinking.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ultrasound seven

ultrasound seven - the seventh of many US's was a quick one as will be this post, they got in to make sure growth, size, and heartbeats looked good and we got a wonderfully clean bill of health. The heart rates were at 132 and 156 with a length for each at approx. 12.5cm.
We are one month from sex determination, four weeks to dictate room color and start working on!
Baby A side view, baby is facing downward

Baby B looking forward at you, looks like Jack Skellington, AWESOME!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ultrasound six

ultrasound six - been awhile since our last update, not much to report, bleeding has stopped, babies are growing just fine...all is good. Jen is tired most of the time, but we are doing well, I am currently sick, so this will be short, talk more next time maybe, bye all!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ultrasound five - trimester one is down, two to go

Baby A - profile view
Baby B - profile view
Baby A - face looking straight at you
Baby B - face looking straight at you...mohawk?
ultrasound five - well here we are, the first trimester and many a day of fatigue behind us...Jen has had it rough man, boy I tell you what.

She has gone to work every day lifting spirits and lifting souls and all with two little gingerbread men baking in the oven...she has come home and thrown herself to the couch in search of solace and rest with little energy for anything else, but has done it with a smile, she has been a trooper!
...oh what would she have done without me...oh wait, that's not right!

as I was saying, the first trimester was a bitch. we are thrilled beyond belief to have it behind us with some US's to show our little buddies faces, profiles, skulls, what appears to be a mohawk and some amazing brains! It blows the mind to be able to see these guys in such detail, can't wait for the 4D's, those are going to be crazy.

we seem to be past the bleeding ( knock knock ) and now with only a touch of puking in the last week, and just the usual fatigue, we are heading down the road to delivery with happy hearts and happy minds...the excruciating tick tock of the clock as we now get to wait until July 14th or earlier for our guys to arrive and join us in this fascinating journey of wonder and excitement...

are they going to be doctors, football players, mad scientists, haberdashers, circus acrobats, or just that simple type of soul that meanders along smelling the flowers and laughing with children on the porch while telling tall tales in their misty eyed 90's...i will be thrilled with any choice they make and we will be rambling along soon enough...

to all of you who sent happy thoughts and sent or are sending good juju our way, it has made a difference. it has made us smile and made us breath a touch easier, we thank you. more soon...